Worship Services
For Sanctuary Worship, children, adults and families may serve as worship assistants.
We want everyone to feel comfortable and welcome at worship.
Children - We encourage children in worship!
Mobile Nursery - Give little ones a space to stretch their legs, or to give your special needs family member a little extra room to bounce around, listen to their calming videos, or do what they need to do.
Busy Bags - St. John seniors create busy bags for children ages 5 through 8 to use during worship. The bags include quiet activities for children to do while parents worship.
Accessibility - Our entire building is handicap accessible.
Large Print - We offer large print bulletins.
Listening Devices - We offer listening devices for the hearing impaired.
Communion - We offer communion at every service and you may commune at the communion rail or in your pew using a pre-packaged communion pod.